====================== MRB A3 Air Visibility ====================== This addon makes all ArmA 3 planes and helicopters visible across your set view-distance. Originally these assets would only adhere to object view-distance, which for obvious reasons is no optimal solution. In technical terms this addon puts all air assets into "landmark" state. (which is kinda underused anyway with only 4 or 5 objects taking advantage of it - the carrier being one of those for instance). The engine hard limit on "landmarks" lies at 200 planes/helicopters, according to the biki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFeatureType Disclaimer: I have´nt tested what happens when you put 201 entities :D Why: - Very high object viewdistance might not be feasible for the lesser PC´s out there. ========================================================================================================= Installation: - Put the addon .pbo included with this archive into any of your modfolders and load it as usual. - For use on online servers with active signature file checking the .bisign file needs to be in the same location as the .pbo, - Also the mrb.bikey must be allowed by the server owner (Note: the key file is not required by clients). ========================================================================================================= Content: - readme.txt (you're reading it) - mrb_a3_airvisibility.pbo (the addon) - mrb_a3_airvisibility.pbo.mrb.bisign (signature file for online use) - mrb.bikey (key file for server owners to allow usage of this addon) - mod.cpp (needed for fancy main menu icons) ===================================================================== Version History: - 1.0 initial release - 1.1 minor correction in mod.cpp ===================================================================== Stay Alpha! PS: megathx to .kju for allinone.cpp´s!